Friday, September 30, 2011

My Brave Boy

Something about this picture really gets me. It's his first day of preschool. His face is full of uncertainty and apprehension. He clings to his bag wondering what waits for him inside those doors. His sister is resting comfortably in the carriage behind him; she gets to get back in the car.

He cried, and clung to me, and asked if I would stay with him or if we could just go home. But he ended up having a great day. That was three weeks ago. And now he loves school, loves his teachers, walks through those doors and doesn't even look back at me. He comes home every day singing new songs and carrying art projects. You should see our refrigerator, covered with dried bean letters and gluey, painted apples and a sunflower made from a paper plate. How can I ever throw any of his art away?

It has been a rough few weeks of parenting. No one is lying when they say the twos are hard. But when I think about the innocence of these preschool years, his excitement at learning the ABCs, taking his teddy bear to school for a picnic, his face when I pick him up at noon... I know that my heart will ache for these days someday.

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