Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The difference between girls and boys

It was such a relief when I found out that my second child was going to be a girl. I mean, girls are less active, right? Less climbing, less jumping, less running around and throwing toys and chasing trash trucks and putting out pretend fires. Girls just sit around and play with dolls and organize their hair accessories, right?

In case you were wondering, when Foard was this same age all he did was sit around and read all of the time:

See what I mean? 

The truth is, it's been a rare and much needed rainy day in Charleston, and both children are climbing the walls. I cannot imagine what mothers do in climates that keep them inside for most of the year. Thankfully, last night we had the privilege of swimming with good friends here. Swimming is our new favorite thing, and usually it means a very good night of sleep for all.

Foard and Henry, taking a break from their usual favorite activity: sitting around and reading all day. Yeah, right!

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