When your kids get to preschool age, things start to get really fun. NOT all of the time. We still watch too much TV and trash the playroom and get on each others' nerves. But when your child becomes deeply interested in the world and able to communicate, there are so many fun things to do. Like math!
Foard has been really curious about numbers lately. He'll hold up his fingers for me to count (Mommy, guess how many this is? Seven! And if I take one away...six!). And he loves to count things like leaves and coins. So I searched the web for some preschool math activities. What did our parents do without the web? There's some great stuff out there that is right up his alley.
Today, we did this. And he loved it.
I made a number tray out of a muffin tin. I wrote numbers 1-12 on Post-its (Mommy, twelve is a big number. It makes me tired). Then we filled the holes with the correct number of beads.
I like these beads because they present opportunities for so many different games. After the first round of counting them in the tray, he made sure the colors in each tray were the same. We could also use them to spell numbers or words.
It was a great way to use his "big boy time," which is code for his sister is sleeping and I need something to do to entertain him. There are more great preschool math activities here, along with other educational games and activities. But really, what DID our parents do without the web?